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An appealing landscape is attractive but challenging to maintain all year round during winter. Commercial building management must contend with rain, ice, snow, and the winter’s effects on a commercial building’s professional irrigation systems.

For success, it requires the expertise of a commercial landscaper to keep the exterior of your commercial building neat and attractive.

It is pertinent to protect the commercial landscape from the adverse effects of winter. For instance, the irrigation system may get damaged if you fail to winterize your commercial property.

Yea, water remnants in the pipes can freeze up and cause the pipes to crack and burst. Other parts of the irrigation system can be adversely affected, which leads to vast sums of money being spent on re-piping.

Extreme weather conditions can affect trees and shrubs.

You, therefore, need to protect all aspects of your commercial landscape during wintertime to endure through the cold season.

As you already know, winter can affect plants badly. You need to make sure your trees and shrubs are protected against the elements before ice and snow lay havoc on them.

Stop the effects of winter on trees and shrubs.

Here is a checklist for your landscaper to help protect plants during the winter months: 

  • Take off visible damage or dead tree bark. Do not cut large gashes when pruning the tree.
  • Avoid exposing the heartwood central of the tree branch.
  • Get rid of branches that could hit the ground with the weight of the snow, ice, or rain. If this happens, the tree is at risk of other problems with unwelcome pests. 
  • Take away any sprout growth at the tree’s base, stems, and branches. 
  • Use organic mulch to cover exposed soil. It is a natural way to recycle beneficial nutrients.
  • Correctly cover newer trees with wraps to ensure stability and added protection from damage. 
  • It’s essential to prevent tree roots from becoming damaged in winter soil. Dense and saturated winter soil can stifle tree roots. Aerate the ground if it’s compacted without the proper drainage. 
  • If the ground is not frozen, you may need to water trees and shrubs without sufficient rainfall. Drought can occur in the winter, just like during the summer. But be careful not to overwater.

We hope these tips assist with maintaining the aesthetics of your commercial landscape during the winter season. If your landscaper is not performing these tasks, it is time to switch to a professional commercial landscaper.

Our team of professionals at JBa Land Management is available to service all-size commercial properties in the Dallas-Ft Worth Metroplex. Contact us at (214) 660-1500 for a free quote on your property.
