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Weeds are unattractive and the most challenging things to remove from a landscape. They may feel like a struggle, and it is a year-round fight. Weeds grow in infertile and poor soil or rich and healthy ground. They thrive with very little water because they are so resilient. Sadly, they tend to grow quicker than the plants in your landscape.

Weeds, unfortunately, do not take breaks. If you fall short, you could spend hours digging weeds out of landscape and flower beds to discover new ones growing the next day. Your efforts may feel frustrating, and you may question if they will ever stop invading your property. Leaving you with the question, “will they ever go away?”

Like many things in lawn maintenance, the key is to stop them before they occur. Unfortunately, once the weeds have started to grow, a pre-emergent is ineffective, and the weeds need to be treated with weed killer or pulled by hand. Weeds are relentless, and you have to control them. But you can control them with ongoing management.

Avoid these common mistakes about weed control.

Weed Control Kills Plants

One of the biggest misconceptions about weed control is it will kill everything. A layperson generally causes application errors which will kill your healthy plants. When applied by a professional, post or pre-emergent herbicide will not harm your plants. Professional landscapers understand the optimum time to treat weeds based on climate and weather. They also know the correct type of weed control to manage weeds effectively.

Remove Weeds By Hand

Weeding by hand is not sufficient as your only defense. Hand extraction can be ineffective because pieces of the root can break away and allow the weed to regrow. However, after weed removal, adding a post-emergent weed control acts as a one-two punch that delivers an effective treatment that will transfer into the remaining root and kill the weed.

Mulching Kills Weeds

Mulch is an effective suppressant for weeds, but it does not prevent weeds from growing. It merely assists with slowing the growth process of weeds. Mulch insulates the soil, which helps keep the soil cool, and in turn, this temperature control helps slow down the stimulus for weed growth, but it does not stop weeds from growing. The use of mulch should be applied after the landscaping bed has been treated with a pre-emergent herbicide.

In closing, there isn’t a winter holiday from weed management. Weeds are a year-round responsibility requiring a professional landscaper to be done right. Your commercial landscape is at risk of constant weed invasion, and managing weeds requires a plan, commitment, and patience. 

We hope these tips have convinced you to create a year-round plan of action for weed control that will help maintain the health and beauty of your commercial property. If your landscaper is not performing these tasks, it is time to switch to a professional commercial landscaper.

Our team of professionals at JBa Land Management is available to service all-size commercial properties in the Dallas-Ft Worth Metroplex. Contact us at (214) 660-1500 for a free quote on your property.
