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Water is a vital and valuable resource for any commercial property. Maintaining a healthy, attractive landscape that enhances your property’s curb appeal and value is crucial. However, water is also a scarce and expensive resource that can significantly impact your operating costs and environmental footprint.

Based on the US EPA, landscape irrigation totals for 1/3 of all residential water usage, and more than 50% of that water is wasted from evaporation, runoff, or overwatering. The water waste can be even higher for commercial properties due to larger areas, more complex systems, and less attention to efficiency.

Fortunately, many ways exist to reduce water consumption and save money on your commercial landscape without compromising its beauty or functionality. This blog post will share some of the best practices for water management in commercial landscaping based on our experience as a leading commercial land management company in Dallas, Texas. We will also show you how we can help you achieve your water conservation goals with our professional landscaping and irrigation services.

Why Water Conservation Matters for Commercial Landscaping

Water conservation is not only a matter of saving money but also a matter of social responsibility and environmental stewardship. By reducing your water consumption on your commercial landscape, you can enjoy several benefits, such as:

– Lowering your water and sewer bills

– Reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

– Preserving water resources and protecting ecosystems

– Complying with local codes and regulations

– Building the reputation and image of your property

– Attracting and retaining tenants and customers

– Enhancing the health and appearance of the landscape

How to Reduce Water Consumption in Commercial Landscaping

There are many ways to reduce water consumption in commercial landscaping, depending on the type and size of your property, the climate and soil conditions, the type and condition of your irrigation system, and the budget available. However, some of the most effective and standard methods are:

Native and Drought-tolerant

Choose native and drought-tolerant plants: One of the easiest and cheapest ways to save water is to choose plants adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, requiring less water than exotic or thirsty plants. Native and drought-tolerant plants can also provide other benefits, such as attracting wildlife, reducing maintenance needs, preventing erosion, and adding diversity and interest to your landscape. Contact us today to find out how we can help you select and install native and drought-tolerant plants that suit your property’s style and needs.

Apply Mulch Around Plants

Another simple and inexpensive way to save water is to apply mulch  around plants. Mulch is any organic or inorganic material that covers the soil surface around plants. Mulch can help retain soil moisture, prevent weeds, moderate soil temperature, improve soil quality, and enhance the appearance of your landscape. When applying mulch you should apply it at a depth of two to four inches, leaving some space around the base of the plants. If you need mulch for your landscape, we can provide high-quality mulch that matches your preferences and budget.

Sprinkler Heads & Irrigation Systems

A common source of water waste in commercial landscaping is sprinkler heads that must be aligned or adjusted correctly. Sprinkler heads that spray water onto sidewalks, driveways, buildings, or other non-target areas can waste a lot of water and cause runoff, erosion, or damage. 

Sprinkler heads clogged, broken, or leaking can also wastewater and reduce irrigation efficiency. Therefore, regularly inspecting and adjusting sprinkler heads is essential to ensure they deliver water evenly and accurately to the desired areas. If you need help adjusting or repairing your sprinkler heads, we can provide expert service at an affordable price.

Install Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation systems are one of the most efficient and effective ways to irrigate plants in commercial landscaping. A drip irrigation systems deliver water to flow directly to the roots of the plants through low-pressure emitters or tubes that water drips flow slowly and precisely. With a drip irrigation system, you can save up to 50% or more water than conventional sprinkler systems. They can also reduce weed growth, pest problems, disease risks, runoff, evaporation, and fertilizer leaching. They can also improve plant growth, health, and appearance. If you want to install a drip irrigation system for your landscape, we can help you design, install, maintain, and upgrade your system with the best quality and service.

Install rain sensors or smart controllers: Another way to improve irrigation efficiency and save water is to install rain sensors or smart controllers that adjust watering schedules based on weather conditions. Rain sensors detect rainfall and stop irrigation when a certain amount of rain has fallen. Smart controllers use weather data, soil moisture sensors, or plant evapotranspiration rates to determine each zone’s optimal watering time and amount. Both rain sensors and smart controllers can help prevent overwatering, underwatering, or unnecessary watering of your landscape. If you want to upgrade your irrigation system with rain sensors or smart controllers, we can provide you with the best options and installation service.

How We Can Help You Save Water on Your Commercial Landscape

At JBa Land Management, we are committed to helping our clients save water on their commercial landscapes. We are a full-service commercial land management company that offers a wide range of commercial landscape services, including:

– Landscape maintenance and enhancement

– Irrigation system design, installation, maintenance, and repair

– Tree care and pruning

– Seasonal color management

With over 20 years of experience serving commercial properties in Dallas-Fort Worth, we have the knowledge, skills, equipment, and certifications to handle any project size and scope. Our team has  a strong focus on customer satisfaction and quality of work.

We understand the challenges of water conservation in commercial landscaping and we can help.  We’ll assess your current water usage, identify areas for improvement, implement water-saving solutions, monitor your results, and provide ongoing support.

Whether you need a new irrigation system, a landscape makeover, or a regular maintenance service, we can help you create a beautiful and water-efficient landscape for your property. We can also help you save money on water bills, reduce environmental impact, and enhance property value.

If you are ready to save water and money on your commercial landscape. Visit our website, www.jbalm.com, to learn more about our services. Our team of professionals at JBa Land Management is available to service all-size commercial properties in the Dallas-Ft Worth Metroplex. Contact us at (214) 660-1500 for a free quote on your property.
