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Spring is officially here, and so are the vibrantly colorful spring flowers. When you add splashes of color to your commercial landscape, you get instant curb appeal and create a welcoming aesthetic to your commercial property. But all flowers are not created equal when it comes to commercial property needs. Make sure to use the correct type of flowers. Only use sturdy flowers and plants suited for commercial use.

We have compiled a list of strong but still beautiful spring flowers that will thrive on your commercial landscape and the best areas to plant them for success.

Pansies – Pansies are the mighty giants. They come in various colors, including yellow, pink, white, orange, purple, and blue. Pansies do very well in direct sunlight. They offer reliable colors almost year long, making them perfect for spring and fall gardens. Their distinctive designs significantly impact when planted in containers, ground cover, borders, or flower beds.

Daffodils – Goodbye winter when you see Daffodils bloom, but don’t let their delicate appearance fool you. Most people are familiar with yellow Daffodils, but there are twenty-six to sixty variations of daffodils. These flowers are one of the easiest to grow and highly durable. They can flourish in many types of growing situations. 

Primroses –  Primrose is another early-blooming flower. These perky perennials are very adaptable and can quickly multiply flowers each year. The best part of Primrose flowers is their ability to thrive in shady areas, unlike many other spring flowers. They also come in different colors, sizes, and forms. They can work well in flower beds, borders, or containers.

Impatiens – Impatiens are another excellent option for your partially shaded areas but keep in mind, they are sensitive to cold. They are very active growers and produce flowers throughout their entire season. They will snowball in containers and excel in flower beds. Impatiens will fit well with your existing seasonal color palette because they are available in many colors.

Marigolds – Marigolds are a crowd favorite as a seamless annual blooming in late spring into the fall. These flowers are vibrant in color, but best of all, they attract butterflies, ladybugs, bees, and other insects that are friends of your flower bed. Marigolds are one of the sturdiest flowers that will survive the harsh rays of direct sunlight and can still flourish planted in poor soil. 

Knowing the right spring flowers for your commercial landscaping is half the battle, but where are the best areas to plant?

Areas to Plant Seasonal Flowers

Property Entrance

Spring flowers have a huge impact at the entrance of your commercial property when flower beds or oversize planters are near front doors. The flowers create a cheerful and welcoming atmosphere instantly.

Signage Landscaping

Springtime flower colors are a great strategy to showcase company signage. The flowers will act as an attention grabber but won’t overgrow and cover the sign. The vivid colors of the flowers will highlight your company signage. For high impact, plant taller flowers on the sides of the company sign to create more attention. 

Walkways and Pathways

Flowers alongside a path may look aesthetically appealing, but it is an invitation to mud-tracked walkways. Don’t plant flowers alongside any walkways. Instead, utilize borders along the sides of walking paths and plant blooms on the opposite side of the border to keep things neat and clean. 

Does your commercial property need a landscape boost? Is your landscaper updating your seasonal flowers? If not, it’s time to switch to a real professional commercial landscaper.

Let us help you with your seasonal color bed services to brighten up your property’s landscape. Our specialists will choose the appropriate plants and flowers based on your commercial property’s specific sun or shade conditional needs. 

We at JBa Land Management are available to service all-size commercial properties in the Dallas-Ft Worth Metroplex. Contact us at (214) 660-1500 for a free quote on your property.
