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Frequently, the winter season will leave your commercial landscape in a state of disarray and sometimes damage. The frost and ice have different plans for your properties.

If you neglect to correct it, your landscape will be an eyesore. The best thing you can do is initiate commercial lawn care once winter is over.

Prepare for Spring

Effective commercial lawn care for Spring is vital to the health and beauty of your landscape all year round. Bridging the gap between the slush and snow of the outgoing winter and the budding new growth.

Timing is everything when it comes to Springtime prep for your lawn care, and it’s most important than any other season. Here are some steps your professional landscaper should take to care and maintain your lawn for Spring.

Spring Clean-Up 

Thoroughly inspect the shrubs and trees. Be on the lookout for broken branches, winter weeds, broken pipes, and other debris. You should hire a professional commercial landscaper to ensure a thorough job. 

Irrigation System Inspection

Winter can leave you with a damaged irrigation system, and you may not know until it wreaks havoc on your landscape and piping system. In fact, it is wise to have a professional inspect your irrigation system often to guarantee that it is working optimally all year round.

The inspection will reveal critical deficiencies or upgrades. A good landscaper will have the expertise to handle all clean-up and necessary repairs. 


Time to Fertilize

Fertilizer and mulch will fortify your landscape and add the required nutrition. The general rule for applying fertilizer for the first application is late Spring, after April 1st, just as the grass grows. March is considered too early to fertilize or control weeds.

In early Spring, the grass is putting energy into root development. Applying fertilizer prematurely will impede the plant’s leaf development. Fertilizing lawns in late winter usually isn’t helpful. 

Weed Control 

After the winter, the first sign of greenery you will notice on your lawn will undoubtedly be weeds. Early application of pre-emergent weed control will prevent those unsightly nuances. 

Get your commercial property landscape beautiful and appealing by investing in monthly professional commercial lawn maintenance. A professional landscaper like JBa Land Management will preserve your property year long. 

We hope these tips assist with maintaining the aesthetics of your commercial landscape. If your landscaper is not performing these tasks, it is time to switch to a full service professional commercial landscaper.

Our team at JBa Land Management is available to service all-size commercial properties in the Dallas-Ft Worth Metroplex. Contact us at 214-660-1500 today for your free quote.
