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We are proud to announce that JBa Land Management is an approved recipient of the H-2B Temporary Non-Agricultural Workers program. Since 2017, we have participated in the program and hired temporary workers from Ecuador and Mexico with the help of our trusted partner, The Federation of Employers and Workers of America (FEWA).

FEWA helps both employers and workers to successfully navigate all necessary requirements for compliance, regulations, and resources for proper documentation and filing. They provided us with the guidance and support we needed to work through the compliance process to qualify.  

What is the H-2B Temporary Non-Agricultural Worker Program?

The H-2B Temporary Non-Agricultural Workers program gives United States employers the right to hire foreign workers for temporary non-agricultural jobs in the field of hospitality, landscaping, construction, and manufacturing companies. But the program is beneficial for both the participants and the companies that participate. 

 The H-2B program offers a unique opportunity for individuals to gain valuable experience and improve their financial situation with the option to work legally in the United States temporarily. This provides practical job experience and language understanding. Participants typically earn higher wages than they would in their home country, which creates the opportunity for a better quality of life for their families in their home country.  

Our H-2B participants get traditional classroom guidelines and hands-on training to ensure their success.

The program requires employers to pay H-2B workers the prevailing wage for the job they are hired for, ensuring that workers are paid fairly. Additionally, H-2B workers are entitled to the same labor protections as U.S. workers, such as workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, and the right to join a union.

For companies, the H-2B program provides a valuable source of temporary labor to help fill seasonal or temporary positions. This is particularly important for hospitality, landscaping, and construction businesses, which often experience spikes in demand during certain times of the year. By participating in the H-2B program, companies can have the staff they need to meet their business requirements. 

In addition to providing a legal source of labor, the H-2B program also offers some other key benefits to companies. For example, H-2B workers are often highly motivated and hardworking, seeking to make the most of their time in the United States. This can help companies improve productivity and deliver high-quality service to their customers. 

Overall, the H-2B Temporary Non-Agricultural Workers program offers many benefits to participants and companies. By providing a legal source of temporary labor, the program helps businesses meet their staffing needs and allows migrant workers to earn a fair wage while gaining valuable work experience in the United States.  
