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People understand the importance of maintaining their property’s landscape. Professional lawn care maintenance is the stress-free way for you to guarantee your property is in its best condition yearlong.

Weeds and fungi snatch the soil nutrients, water and sunlight necessary for the proper growth of grass, plants and flowers. Without regular maintenance, they will take over your property. Ongoing landscape maintenance is very important to ensure healthy plants and trees.

But did you know that landscape maintenance is not enough?

Maintaining is not enough because lawn care, plants, flowers, shrubs and trees are living and continuously growing. They are in constantly change due to seasons and time.

The only way to avoid problems and stay ahead of any changes is through landscape management. If you only incorporating landscape maintenance on your property, it will fail against unpredictable weather conditions.

For example: Summer months may cause drought or certain weather patterns that cause an insect infestation. In order to provide the best care for your property, your landscaper must be able to predict and adapt to the climate and weather conditions.

Many landscape maintenance companies conduct their business by allowing plants and trees to deteriorate in hopes to charge for the removal and replace. Pruning and trimming keeps trees and shrubs producing new growth, but landscape management directs the maintenance servicing to ensure healthy thriving trees and shrubs.

When you use a landscaper who services and manages your property, they direct the progress of all future growth. JBa Land Management has the experience and knowledge to work around any weather condition or situation that may cause your property distress.  Our goal in landscape management is recognizing potential problems before there is an actual problem. We strive to retain our relationships with customers for many years. We do this with integrity and stellar customer satisfaction.
